About Me

The NCA journey can be  overwhelming and formidable, leaving students feeling alone and unclear as to how to proceed through the process. One of my main ambitions at NCA MentorTM is to ensure you have the support, guidance and resources that you deserve. 

When I returned from England and embarked on the mission of becoming a licensed lawyer in Canada, I felt I had no one to turn to for guidance. I had countless questions about where to start, what textbooks to purchase, how many examinations to take in one sitting, whether I could rely on notes alone… the list of inquiries was endless.  I navigated the process and found my way.

Nonetheless, had I had some direction or assistance, it would have been a much smoother and easier transition from studying abroad to entering the Canadian qualification system and legal landscape.  I made the decision to dedicate and focus my time and energy on assisting and mentoring NCA students throughout the NCA process soon after my return from the United Kingdom, as I wanted others going through the same experience to feel more support, assistance and encouragement than I had experienced.

As a certified teacher, with a passion for edification and enhancing the journey of learning, I quickly realized that my purpose was to help guide students and candidates like you. Those who have made leaps and bounds to achieve their aim of becoming a lawyers. Some of you have completed a law degree and some of you are advocates in countries abroad, with years of experience under your belt. Regardless of your geographical background, your educational credentials or your career history, the goal and vision of conquering the NCAs is something you all have in common. I am here to ensure that you have what you need to make this dream a reality.

My Motivation

I wrote the NCA exams while leading a busy life and having multiple other priorities that were also contending for my time and efforts. On numerous occasions, I longed for a person to whom I could ask questions, seek out for encouragement and simply contact if I felt nervous about the exams. Luckily, I had a great deal of support from my family and friends. However, I know that this is not the case for everyone. I want to offer you the support you deserve. This means not only providing you with organized resources and materials, private tutoring, and group sessions, but also being there if you simply need a pep talk or someone to bounce ideas off! Feel free to contact me at any point in your journey.

What I Want For You

Your success is my success. I desire nothing more than for my students to not only succeed and pass all the NCA examinations that have been assigned to them on their first attempt, but to do so in a positive manner without stress or anxiety. I want you to enjoy the experience! These exams are testing your knowledge and are an opportunity to prove what you have learned. Together, we can make the journey a happy, memorable one!

Please join the NCA MENTORTM community on Facebook for more support: 
